Monday, December 7, 2009

Final bend.

Good afternoon all,

I'm in a reasonably optimistic mood. Last week I was struck down by a heavy cold - I can't seem to stop being ill at the moment. However, I blasted past the 100,000 word barrier (another personal milestone) and am now on the final stretch of the novel.

Over the weekend and today, I sat down and mapped out the rest of the novel in it's entirety. Sure I knew how it was going to end, but I now know exactly what is going to happen and how I am going to tie up all the various threads (or leave them hanging for the sequel).

So it is official I now have 5 chapters left to write. Or if I break it down into scenes, I now have 15 scenes left to finish. Of those 15, one will be completed today and 4 of them have been largely written in note form.

Will I get done before Christmas? I doubt it, I want to but I doubt it. On a good day (like today) I can write a complete scene in it's entirety. However, to finish before Christmas I will need 15 consecutive good days. I like to think it is possible but realistically it isn't.

The important thing is, this novel will be completed.


  1. So close to the end! Impressive work and congrats on getting this far. Finishing the novel is by far the most important thing. Regardless of selling it, how it goes in publishing,'re about to have finished a novel.

    Congrats on the huge achievement.

  2. Thanks Rob,

    I can't wait to experience that sense of achievement when I type out those final words!!
