Sunday, October 25, 2009

Keep on writing.

So last week I continued my ultra productive writing and got over 2,000 words writing on Thursday. The trip to Sheffield actually turned out as a great opportunity as the predicted 3.5 hour journey actually turned into a 5 hour journey thanks to point issues and signal failures, what have you - you've got to love the english trains.

As planned I took as long weekend off, took my lovely wife shopping and just generally recharged (well as much as you can with a fully crawling 8 month old baby who is interested in everything running a muck, even as I type this he is trying to bash the keyboard).

However, then a strange thing happened. Like the thousands of other bloggers whose blogs malfunctioned last week, so did I. I returned to work on the Tuesday and immediately went on a training course, Wednesday was back in the office to face a plethora of problems and 106 emails and before I knew it I had come home both nights and not in the mood to write.

Suddenly a week had gone by and I hadn't written a single word. I was filled with doubt, was I losing my rhythm, now I was approaching the first bend, was I losing my momentum?. On Thursday, I awoke determined to write at all costs. I wrote at lunch time and as soon as I got home, Friday I did the same. The week wasn't as productive as the one before but it was still o.k. The important thing is that I am now back and writing hard. This weekend I have also sorted out a couple of plot points that had been plaguing the novel (GRRM eat your heart out).

I guess the big thing I have learnt is that it is so important to keep writing every day. It is so easy to get out of the habit and all of a sudden it feels like a chore. It should never feel like a chore. I don't write at weekends but that is just me, I thoroughly recommend you find a writing tempo that agrees with you but make sure it is regular.

Word count: 82,000

See you soon.


  1. I agree with what you are saying, have just taken a major break from my writing at the moment after writing every day. Wrote a little bit today and it felt quite strange to be back with my characters.
    Enjoyed it though and was quite relaxing after having quite a rubbish day at work.
    Glad your writing is going well, can't wait to see it.

  2. It's weird if i have a rubbish day at work, I am never in the mood to do a lot of writing unless the conditions are right. I find the best time to do my writing is as soon as I wake up or at lunch time.

    Congrats on starting up again.
